Create Event Quick Start

This article describes the main steps to set up an event using our self-service admin dashboard.

Step 1: Create the event

Follow these steps to create a new event:
  1. Create your event using our Event Wizard (you'll need to create a free account if you don't have one already).
  2. Complete the quick-start wizard to create your challenge.
    1. If you are planning to use your Unlimited plan, please select the organization you created when you signed up for the plan. Do not create a new one or it will not be associated with your license.
    2. Name your event whatever you like. However, be aware that when you name your event, the system will automatically create a URL that uses your event name. Although you can always change the name of your event, once this URL is created, it cannot be changed. The original URL will remain even after you change the name of the event. Please keep this in mind when deciding on the event's original name.
  3. Select CREATE EVENT to continue.

Step 2: Configure the event and rules

Click on Settings to edit the settings and rules of the event. You can modify the start and end dates or configure the rules of the event.

Some commonly used configuration settings are:

  • General Options
    • Start and end dates of the event. This field should show the dates you chose in Step 1 above.
    • Distance units. This is set to "Metric" by default.
  • Onboarding
  • Teams
  • Rules
    • Decide if you want to allow users to enter activities manually without admin approval
    • Decide if you want participant's entries to be validated for plausibility. For example, we check the recorded distance to validate that it is realistic within the recorded time.
    • Decide if you want to restrict the maximum steps reported in the app.
    • Decide whether you want the system to convert non-step-related activities (e.g., yoga, weightlifting) into steps.
    • Determine upper boundaries for team size.
  • Lifecycle
    • Enter the date for the last day you want people to be able to join your challenge.
    • It sometimes can take a day or two for everyone's results to get synced with the challenge. For this reason, you may want to allow a buffer period between the challenge's end date and when participants can sync/upload their data. A common setting is to allow two days for Results Locking. If you do set this buffer period, results should not be announced until that period has expired.
  • Customization, User Assistance, Security & Privacy, and Advanced Options are not typically used for basic challenges. Feel free to explore these options and let our support team know if you have any questions.

Step 3: Artwork and branding

To ensure the challenge matches your corporate identity we can customize the look and feel of the challenge. Your options for custom branding include:
  • Brand color: This color is used to customize various elements in the app.
  • Logo: a square image (displayed on white) of at least 500x500 pixels. The image will be resized to fit and center.
  • Background: a rectangular image of about 1150x300 pixels.
    • Due to the variety of devices on which this is shown, the image might not entirely be visible. Keep padding to ensure any content might be clipped off from all sizes. Especially on the left side as the logo will overlap the background.
    • Note that the name of your challenge will be overlaid on top of the background. Be mindful of the placement of any text in your background image as it may clash with the challenge name.

You can upload this information on the Design screen on the admin dashboard.

Step 4: Add leaderboards

Leaderboards are the main communication vehicle for personal and team progress of a challenge. An event must have at least one leaderboard. You can add one or multiple leaderboards to your events. Leaderboards can either be for individual results or team results. There are many different types of leaderboards available. Some of the most popular include:

  • Total Steps 👣 - Accumulated total steps. These can be configured to support only step-related activities (e.g., walking, running) or with activity-to-step conversion for nonstop-related activities (eg., yoga, weightlifting). This is one of the most popular leaderboards.
  • Total Activity Time ⏳- Accumulated time of activities.
  • Total Activity Distance 📏 - Accumulated (GPS) distance of activities. Note that there is no support for conversion of steps to distance.
  • Daily Weekly/Target✔️- Set target thresholds for total steps, time or distance. The same target can be set for all participants or you can allow participants to establish their own. This is a great way to recognize consistency versus raw counts of steps/time/distance.
  • 360° Wellbeing☯️ - Flexible and customizable challenges for physical and mental wellbeing.
  • There are many more options that support more advanced and highly competitive challenges.

Once you select the leaderboard(s) you want for your challenge, there are many options for configuring them. Some of the most common selections include:

  • Linking your leaderboard to a virtual journey.
  • Naming your leaderboard.
  • Leaderboard goal. If your leaderboard is tied to a virtual journey, you should establish a goal that would coincide with the last stop on the journey.
  • Individual and/or Team leaderboard. Choose whether you want this leaderboard to track individual results, team results or both.
  • Team scoring. If you are creating a team leaderboard, do you want teams to be ranked based on the total accumulated steps/activities or based on the average of each team member? Average is usually the best setting when teams vary in size.
  • Achievements (360° Wellbeing only). Enter the various wellbeing activities that you're encouraging your participants to engage in (e.g., "No screens two hours before bed", "Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables").

After configuring the above, you can further fine-tune your leaderboards by selecting the leaderboard and then choosing the EDIT option. Browse the following links to learn more about these options:

Step 5: Publish the event

Participants will not be able to join your event until it is published. If you are a subscriber to our unlimited plan, you will be able to publish the event immediately. Otherwise, you will need to purchase your license through our secure Stripe checkout page.

You can add an optional service plan if you'd like us to complete the configuration of your event.

Please note that you can always add more users at a later time if you're not sure how many users will join the event. Subscribers also have the option to purchase more one-event licenses if they're organizing a special event which may draw a wider participation rate than that covered by their unlimited license.

After you select PUBLISH NOW, be on the alert for any error or information messages that may appear on your Overview page as errors will likely prevent your event from operating as you intended.

Step 6: Invite users

Once published, a join link and QR code will be added to the Overview section of your event dashboard. Copy the join link and QR code from the admin dashboard to invite your team to join the newly created event.

For more help with user invitations, explore the following links.:

Step 7: Go Live

That's it! You're live and good to go!

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