Maintaining Teams

We support many different modes for configuring team leaderboards. The Creating Team Leaderboards knowledge base article provides details about your options. Regardless of which mode you choose, administrators have complete control over team assignments. 

If the ADMIN ASSIGNED TEAMS mode is selected, these tools are the only way to manage team assignments. When a user joins a challenge in which the ADMIN ASSIGNED TEAMS mode is selected, they initially will not be assigned to a team. The exception is when the challenge included Setup Service and our team handled user assignment tasks on your behalf.

Once a user has joined, the administrator has several tools available to manage user team assignments. Most of these tools are found in the Teams group of the MANAGE section of the administrator's tool. The rest of this article describes those tools.


The ADD TEAMS function allows you to add teams of any name you choose. When you select this button, a pop-up screen will appear that prompts you for the name. You can also select the toggle if you want to create multiple teams and do not want the pop-up screen to be dismissed after entering your team name. Note that the ADD TEAMS function only creates new teams if there is at least one team leaderboard in your event.


For each team added, there is a DETAILS link that provides information about the team. From the detail screen, you (and team captains) can:

  • Change the team name.
  • Add a description
  • Make the group browsable by making it public
  • Specify its type (advanced feature)
  • Select a team icon and its color
  • Upload a team logo
  • Upload a page header


The Team Assignment function displays important information about your team configurations and provides several advanced features for managing teams. You can:

  • Upload your user team assignments using a spreadsheet. This is an advanced feature that is only available with our Setup Service.
  • Merge teams into one. Each merged team must have at least one member.
  • Randomly assign all users who are not currently in a team. If you want to assign a user to a specific team, you can do so on the user's Profile Detail page.
  • Delete a team. Teams can only be deleted when they have no members.
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