Step Conversion

We support two step conversion modes: Automatic or Custom. You can also keep step conversion disabled to do a challenge purely based on steps only.

Steps-only challenges (no conversions)

This is the default setting on our platform. With step-only challenge activities are not converted into steps. This means that only daily total steps will count towards the leaderboards.

Automatic Step Conversion

The most convenient and accurate way to convert activities into steps and make them count towards the challenge goal is to enable Automatic Step Conversion. We will automatically convert activities based on their device type, activity type, distance, duration, and speed/pace.

We distinguish between two different device types:

  • Devices that support step tracking (daily summaries): for these devices we will only convert activities that require effort, but typically don't result in steps. Examples are cycling and yoga. We will not convert running or walking into steps, as these steps are already included in the daily step count.
  • Manual entry and devices without step tracking support: for these we will convert all activities into steps, even running and walking. We do this based on the level of effort required to complete each activity. E.g. you get more steps for more intense workouts.

Event admins and participants can calculate how activities are converted into steps using our Step Converter tool:

Try the Step Converter tool

Custom Step Conversion

With Custom Step Conversion you can set your own conversion rules based on the type of activity and duration.

In the custom step conversion mode you can select the types of activities you would like to convert into steps. For each of them you can enter how many steps one hour of that activity should convert to. The platform will calculate the steps based on the activity type and duration.

With Custom Step Conversion you cannot award steps for running or walking as that will nearly always result in duplicate steps for participants with a connected fitness device.

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