Communication Plan

This article provides some general guidance for a successful challenge communication plan. Dates are only suggestions and can be modified to your specific scenario. It's also possible to expedite the configuration of an event if you're close to your launch date. When needed, we can launch a new event within days! 

Regardless of your timeline, a carefully crafted communication plan will ensure all employees are aware of the challenge and are ready for it when it starts

To optimize email delivery we advise to add as a trusted email sender on corporate spam filters to make sure our email communications do not end up in spam/junk folders.

4 to 1 week before start: create the challenge

Based on your specific challenge goals we can help you with the setup of a challenge to meet those requirements and help you accomplish your wellness goals. We can help you setup a challenge to meet your specific challenge requirements and help you accomplish your wellness goals.

During this phase you'll add the leaderboard(s), customize a course map, and setup your badges.

Once you're happy with the setup you can publish the event so you can see the end result.

1 week before start: announce email using internal communication tools

Send out internal communication to the team with a generic description of the challenge, your goals and what follow-up communication they can expect (e.g. a tailor made version of this communication plan). 

Make sure to mention as the partner for the challenge so your employees know to trust our app and emails.

5-7 days before start: start inviting

Send out another internal communication all employees letting them know the official invite message from CorporateFitness app is on its way.  The invite will enable them to join the challenge!

View Template Email

Once the email is send out, registration data can be imported or synced. This action will automatically send the invite emails to your employees. 

It's important to start sending invites at least a couple days before the start of the challenge so employees have time to download the app, create their account, and make sure they're all setup and ready on launch day. 

1-3 days before start: send a reminder

Send out a remember using an internal email to remind everyone to join if they haven't joined yet. This is a good time to include a link to the Getting Started page to help people join who either can't find the join email or haven't received it. You can find a link to the Getting Started page for your event in the Event Manager:

You may also take a moment to explain the rules of the challenge, what activities may count towards the leaderboards and the end date of the challenge so they will not be surprised when the challenge is over.

Optionally, you may use the option from the Registration page to re-send emails to all employees who haven't joined the challenge.

Start date: send kick-off email

Send out an email to all employees to thank everyone who has already joined (and remind everyone they can still join when they haven't done so, yet!). It's always a good idea to repeat the goals for the challenge and remind everyone why it's important for them to join.

A best practice is to, again, include a link to the Getting Started page to help people join who haven't done so yet.

Finally, this is a great time to repeat the rules of the challenge Repeating this information earlier will reduce questions to the person/department that is administering the challenge and will likely increase participation when people understand fully what they are signing up for

Halfway Mark

Send an update on the challenge progress with some interesting stats. This is a good moment to call out some remarkable accomplishments by individual participants. Make sure not to focus only on the most competitive participants to ensure everyone feels recognized for their performance, not only the few top competitors.

End of Challenge

Send out a congratulatory email to thank all participants for participating in the challenge and summarize a few key results. Key results could include the total number of participants, the number of collective steps, or miles, or some other metric to indicate the success of the challenge. 

Don't forgot to mention the follow-up challenge if this is already scheduled. 

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