Template: Invite users to challenge

Use this template as a starting point for an email to your employees to explain what they can expect from the upcoming challenge. It's best practice to send out this email a few days ahead of the invite so users know to keep an eye on arriving emails from corporatefitness.app.

To optimize email delivery we advise to add corporatefitness.app as a trusted email sender on corporate spam filters to make sure our email communications do not end up in spam/junk folders.

Template Email


Subject: Important details on our upcoming corporate fitness challenge


You will soon receive an email from our partner corporatefitness.app with important details on our upcoming fitness challenge. That email will enable you to join the challenge and helps you get started with just a few clicks!

Get Started

The email offers two options to get started, depending on the device your opening the email on:

- on your smartphone: click the Join button. This will automatically download the iPhone or Android app (depending on your phone) and preload your personal data. All you need to do is create an account or join using one of the supported apps or devices.

- on your laptop: scan the QR code with your phone to download the app and get started. If you prefer not to use an app you can also click the Join button in your browser to use the web interface.

Supported Fitness Trackers

Once you have the corporate fitness app installed you can connect any of the many supported fitness apps or devices. Open the "Me" tab in the app to connect with Garmin, Strava, Apple Watch, Polar, Suunto, Coros, or one of the other supported fitness trackers. 

Don't have an app or watch? No worries, you can use the app to track your steps and activities. Alternatively, you can manually enter your results. 

Leaderboards and Feed

Open the corporatefitness app to view the real-time leaderboards and cheer each other on! Use the Feed tab to keep up-to-date on the latest updates on our challenge. 

If you don’t receive the corporatefitness app email in the next few days, please look in your spam/junk folder first to make sure it hasn't accidentally ended up there.  If you still don’t see it, please reply back to this email and we'll help you get started.

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