Android Device Step Recording

Note: this article contains information for the 'Android device - Track steps with your Android device' integration.

This is different than the Google Health Connect integration we also offer. Please use Google Health Connect if you have an Android device but want to connect a Samsung Watch or other device.

The Android Device integration allows you to track and record your steps automatically in the background using your Android device. You don't need to have our app open to track steps, it will work automatically in the background.


When you connect with the Android Recording option your phone will ask for permissions so we can access your physical activity. Please select Allow so we can sync your step data.

If access permissions were not allowed at setup, you can change this later by following these steps:

  1. Open Android Settings
  2. Select Apps
  3. Select our app from the list
  4. Select Permissions
  5. Make sure that Physical activity is included in the Allowed list
    1. If it's not in the Allowed list, please select it from the Not allowed list and then select Allow on the details screen
    2. If it is displayed as allowed, please send our technical support team a screenshot.

No back-loading possible

This integration does NOT allow backloading. This means that only steps that you take AFTER connecting will be included in your results. Even steps you took earlier on the same day cannot be synced unfortunately. This is a limitation set by Google.

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