Inviting Users using personal invites

Once you have created and published your challenge everything is ready to start inviting the users of your challenge.

To make sure only the people join who are allowed to join, verification code are used to limit access to join a challenge. To simplify the process this code will be embedded into the links you will share. This way no-one needs to remember their code and all works automatically.

There are two different methods of inviting users:

  • Personal invites (based on employee information, typically from an Excel file)
  • Re-usable QR code and join code

It is also possible to use a combination of these options. E.g. share a re-usable QR code with factory workings who don't have an email address and send everyone else a personal invite.

Choosing your on-boarding preference

You can configure your preferred on-boarding flow on the Edit Event screen in the On-boarding section. This section contains additional sections to further customize the on-boarding experience.

Invite Flow

The generic flow is:

  1. You invite someone to join (typically by email)
  2. The invitee will click the link (or scan the QR code) and download the app (for iPhone or Android)
  3. The user will need to connect with the app. This can be done by creating a new account
  4. All information is pre-loaded so the user only needs to confirm

Personal Invites

The easiest way to add your users to the challenge is to either add them manually or import an Excel file with all names and email addresses. We will send each of them a personal invite link to download the app and connect with the challenge.

You can invite new users from the Registrations page in the Event Manager.

With a PRO license you can also import an Excel file containing all users. Please make sure your Excel file contains the following columns:

  • Code: a unique identifier, can also be a simple range starting at 1, 2, 3, ....
  • Given Name
  • Family Name
  • Email

Here is an example of such an Excel file:

We keep your employee data secure

We understand the importance of the privacy of your employees. That's why we keep employee data strictly separated from other data in our system. This ensures secure processing of your company confidential information. We only use the uploaded employee data within the scope of your challenges, and nothing else.

Using anonymous codes

Alternatively, you can use a reusable and anonymous verification code. This allows you to send a single invite link to all participants of your challenge without having to add them to the system. The disadvantage of this approach is that their nicknames will show on the leaderboards instead of nicely formatted registration data.

See this knowledge base article for detailed information on this approach.

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