Create a copy of an event (clone or duplicate)

You can easily create a copy of an event. This is very helpful to quickly set up a new edition. This is also very helpful to create a test version in case you want to try out the setup of an event before it starts.

Create a copy

You can create a copy of an event by using the Clone option from the overflow menu:

Complete the process by entering the new name of the event and hit Ok to create the copy. We advise to clearly mark the copy so to prevent confusion between the original and the copy of the event.

The clone/copy will have the exact same setup (including badges and maps), but none of the data will be copied over. This allows you to publish the copy as a free test event so you can test it out with up to 5 users before the real event goes live.

Check all dates in the cloned event

It's important to check all dates that are configured on the event. The most important are the start and end date of the event. Some leaderboards might have specific start and end dates as well and they will also have to be shifted.

Especially when you have daily or weekly leaderboards as part of your event. These leaderboards are always pinned to a specific date range, so they will have to be removed and regenerated after making the copy.

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