Differences between activities and results

Both activities and results are different entities in our platform. Although they are somewhat related, there are important differences between them.

An Activity is the summary of a workout. It contains all key details of that workout but is completely separated to any event or challenge. It will be the input to calculate a result. Activities are always stored in the profile of a user.

A Result is the (intermediate) result of a user for a specific event and leaderboard. A result is the output of one or multiple activities. Results can be recalculated or deleted without impacting the underlying activities.

Some more details:

  • One activity may count towards many different leaderboards across many different events
  • Results can be recalculated based on the activities
  • Results can always be safely deleted without any impact on the underlying activities.
  • Deleting or editing an activities will modify all results based on that activity
  • Activities are stored with the local time zone of the user. This might be a different time zone than your own time zone and/or the time zone of the event.
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