Upload results for in-person events

You can combine in-person race results with your virtual challenge events in the same Event. This allows you to have all your data on the same platform.

Uploading results

You can mark a race as an in-person race by opening the Edit Race screen and expanding the Advanced options. Enable the In-person race toggle to mark this race as an in-person race which will allow you to upload race results.

Please make sure to set set a few race properties to ensure results are displayed correctly:

  1. Enter the name of your race
  2. Set Scoring to Best Result
  3. Enter the race distance (in miles or kilometers)
  4. Mark this race as an in-person race

Race results can be uploaded from either Excel or csv files. Please make sure to include the following columns:

Field Column Name(s) in file Description
Id Bib, Id Unique identifier of each result (can be bib)
Bib Bib Bib number of the participant
Position Position, Rank Overall position in race
Gender Position Gender Position, Gender Rank Gender position in race
Category Position Category Position, Category Rank Category position in race
Name Name Full name or the participant
Given Name Given Name, First Name Given name of the participant
Family Name Family Name, Last Name Family name of the participant
City City, Town City
State State State
Country Country Country or country code
Category Category Allows you to upload any category/age grade grouping. When data is imported with this field a category filter is displayed on the race page.
Gender Gender, Sec Either 'M' or 'F' are allowed. When this is provided gender based leaderboards will be enabled.
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