Automatic Step Conversion

Note: not all step challenges have this option enabled. Ask your challenge organizer if and how steps are converted for your specific challenge.

When Automatic Step Conversion is enabled, we will automatically convert your activities into steps based on various criteria.

We distinguish between two different device types:

  • Devices that support step tracking (so-called daily summaries)
  • Manual entry and devices without step tracking support

Devices that support step tracking

Supported devices include Apple Watch, Fitbit, Garmin, and more.

These devices automatically track your daily steps and we sync them in what we call daily summaries. All the steps you take during a day will be included in this total step count. This includes all the runs and walks you do, whether you explicitly track them, or not.

For these devices we will only convert activities that require effort, but typically don't result in steps. Examples are cycling and yoga. We will not convert running or walking activities into steps, as these steps are already included in the daily step count.

Manual entry and devices without step tracking support

Note: not all challenges allow manual entry.

We will convert all your activities, including walking and running, into steps. This is based on the estimated effort that is required to complete the activity. For instance, you get more steps when you walk or run faster.

You can calculate how activities will be converted into steps using our Step Converter tool:

Try the Step Converter tool

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