Remove results from a leaderboard

If you wish to remove a participant or team result from a leaderboard, you can follow these steps to delete the results


Start these instructions by opening your event overview and then click on the event where the adjustment needs to be made.


Option 1:

1. Go to the users section.

2. Search for the person and click on their account.

3. You will see that the person is participating in a leaderboard. 

4. You will see four icons:

    • information
    • a person
    • a refresh button
    • a trash can.

5. Click on the trash can icon to remove the result from the leaderboard.

Option 2:

1. Click on the desired leaderboard.

2. Go to manage results.

3. There is no search bar here, so find the person by looking through the names on the leaderboard.

4. Once you find the person or team result, scroll to the right to see more options.

  1. Click on the trash can icon to remove the result from the leaderboard.
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