Approve manual entry for a specific user

If manual entry is generally not allowed for a event but needs to be approved for a specific user, follow these steps:


Start these instructions by opening your event overview and then click on the event where the adjustment needs to be made.

Steps to approve a manual entry

  1. Navigate to the users tab.
  2. Use the search bar to find the person for whom you need to allow manual entry.
  3. Look for an orange triangle with an exclamation mark next to the user's results. This indicates entries that require approval.
  4. Approve individual entries:
    • Click on the checkmark under the actions column next to each pending entry.
    • Click approve to approve each individual manual entry.

Steps to Allow Manual Entries for the future

Optionally, you can allow this user to add manual entries him/herself. Follow steps 1 and 2 from above, and then:

  1. Click on the settings icon.
  2. In the settings, enable the option to allow and pre-approve manual entries specifically for this person for the remainder of the challenge. This can typically be done via an option labeled
    • Allowed, means that the participant can see that they can add a manual entry, but you as the admin will still need to approve it manually afterward.
    • Allow and pre-approve, means that the participant can add a manual entry and it will be approved immediately without any further action required from you as the admin.
  3. Click save to save changes


The activity will now appear in green among the rest of the activities, indicating it has been successfully added and approved.

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