Reward a badge

Some badges are automatically rewarded to participants based on the activities they have completed. However, there are also badges that you can personally reward, such as those related to mental well-being.


Start these instructions by opening your event overview and then click on the event where the adjustment needs to be made.


  1. Click on the users button.
  2. Search for the person:
  • Use the search bar to find the person you want to award a badge to.
  • Once you have found the person, click on their name.

3. You will see the profile details of the selected person. Under the profile details, look for the section labeled registration.

4. Click on the blue reward badge button.

5. Select details:

  • Select leaderboard: choose the leaderboard associated with the badge.
  • Select badge: choose the badge you want to award.
  • Activity date: enter the date when the person earned the badge.
  • Time of day: optionally, enter the exact time.

6. Click on reward badge to finalise awarding the badge.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure that the badges have been created before awarding them.
  • If a specific date is linked to the badge, provide the correct date when awarding it. 
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