Create a new account

On your smartphone

You can either create an account directly (select Create Account) or choose to connect with a supported device or app. Once you are familiar with the privacy policy and terms of service, click the checkbox to agree and continue.

Create Account will bring you a sign-up page where you will enter your email address, a password, and your display name (optional). Select Create Account again on this page, and you’re set!

On the computer:

When you’ve clicked the link and a browser tab opens, you will be brought to the sign up page for the event. Once you are familiar with the privacy policy and terms of service, click the checkbox to agree and fill out the form by entering your email address, a password, and your display name (optional).

Click Register, and you’re set!

Already have an account? Login instead!

If you have already created an account before (on another device), please make sure NOT to create a new account but login instead!

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