Multi-factor authentication

To enhance security, users can enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) on their account. When MFA is enabled they are asked to verify their phone number. Each time they log in they will need to provide a verification code send to their phone. This prevents malicious actors to log in when the password of a user is leaked or exposed.

How to enable MFA

Go to your Edit Profile screen and select the Multi-factor authentication option. Now you'll need to re-authenticate and verify your phone number. Once that is done you will be logged out on all your devices and will need to re-login (using password and SMS code).

How to disable MFA

Once MFA is enabled you can disable it again by going to the MFA page from the Edit Profile screen. Follow the steps to disable MFA from your account. Note that doing so will reduce the security of your account.

Require MFA for all co-admins of an event

To improve security of the sensitive data stored in the back-end you may want to enforce MFA for all users with access to the back-end. This feature is available as part of our Enterprise Plan and can be enabled from the Edit Event screen.

Please make sure you have MFA enabled yourself before enabling this feature as you will otherwise lose control of the back-end as only users with MFA enabled will be able to access the back-end when this option is enabled..

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